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Burger king iwd tweet


Burger King faces fierce backlash after tasteless tweet

Burger King rebrand
We'd love to be a fly on the wall in Burger King's social media team right now (Image credit: Burger King Corporation)

Look, we get it. Pretty much every brand on the planet is doing something, anything, to mark International Women's Day – and marketing teams often have to think outside the box to get noticed. But if you are going to get noticed, it had better be for the right reasons – something Burger King is currently learning the hard way.

In an attempt to flip one of the oldest sexist tropes on its head, Burger King tweeted "Women belong in the kitchen". That's it. That's the tweet. Unsurprisingly, it was met with anger and bemusement from the burger pedlar's thousands of followers. Many of the best print ads are somewhat provocative, but this appears to have gone down like a lead burger.

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If, like countless commenters, you're wondering how Burger King's marketing team managed to convince itself this was a good idea, the company has tried to explain in subsequent tweets. "Only 20% of chefs are women," one reads. "We're on a mission to change the gender ratio in the restaurant industry by empowering female employees." The company says it is launching a new scholarship programme to help female Burger King employees pursue their "culinary dreams".

It sounds like an admirable initiative, which makes it all the more baffling that Burger King chose to reveal it through the king of all marketing blunders: a dodgy tweet. Indeed, rather than the company's actual pledge, around 99.999 per cent of responses appear to be focussed on the seemingly sexist opening gambit.

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